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Laser-Diode laser
Miroabrasion System
IQ Air

Laser-Diode Soft Tissue Laser:

The primary use of a soft-tissue laser is the modification or removal of intra-oral soft tissue. This is used to modify tissues and control haemostasis. The post-operative response of the laser care will usually produce a cleaner and healthier surgical site with less discomfort when compared to alternative methods of surgery. Soft tissue lasers enable minor surgical procedures and decontaminate the area at the same time. There is less chance of infection, and some soft tissue procedures around the gingiva can be completed without anaesthesia.

The laser also promotes healing for infected and irritated tissues. Since there is a favourable response to laser treatment, the resultant healing is less complicated and often shorter when compared to traditional techniques. In many cases, the laser can also be used to treat deep gingival pockets that harbour bacteria and cause gum disease. An additional benefit of dental diode laser technology is its ability to reduce the pain and longevity of cold sores and fever blisters.

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Miroabrasion System:

Air abrasion cavity preparations are one of the most rapidly growing areas of dentistry. This is the treatment of early and small cavities more conservatively and without anaesthesia. The cavities are detected at the earliest possible stage using Diagnodent laser technology and Treated most conservatively using bonded dentistry.

IQ Air:
* Click here to visit their website


The execution of dental work and the use of various chemical compounds leads to exposure levels for dentists, staff and patients to a range of potentially harmful airborne contaminants.

The use of high-speed drills and ultrasonic scaling equipment generates fine droplets which are light enough to stay airborne for hours. Bacteria and viruses, which are contained in these micro-droplets, are easily inhaled and constitute a potential source of infection.

Mercury vapours can be released by the placement and the removal of amalgam fillings.

Chemical disinfectants in a dental office are responsible for a generally unpleasant odour. Some disinfectants may also cause irritation and may have a sensitizing potential especially for staff.

This is a great diagnostic tool, allowing the detection of caries at the earliest stages using advanced laser technology. Even very small lesions are detected at the earliest stage enabling us to protect and preserve precious dental tissue and avoiding future tissue loss and complications.

* Click here to visit their website